SR2 Berlin: a new chapter | Finlay Bright

SR2 Berlin: a new chapter | Finlay Bright

As a tech recruitment specialist based in Berlin, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the WeareDevelopers event in Berlin recently, representing SR2 and FutureTech Germany. This event proved to be an amazing experience, providing us with the chance to connect with a multitude of talented individuals and forward-thinking companies that are shaping the future of technology. 

Here's a glimpse of our exciting journey through the event:

Innovative VR for Medical Education

One of the highlights of our visit was meeting with the Zeiss Group, a company known for its amazing work in optical and optoelectronic technology. We had the privilege of trying their VR headsets, where they were showcasing their cutting-edge work in developing virtual reality headsets for the medical industry. Zeiss is breaking new ground by allowing students and aspiring medical professionals to perform test operations remotely and virtually. It's a game-changer for medical education, and we were captivated by the potential impact this technology could have on the future of healthcare.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

We were thrilled to connect with the passionate individuals behind Black in Tech Berlin. Diversity and inclusion are core values at SR2, and This organization is doing exceptional work in promoting diversity in the tech industry. We had the pleasure of meeting Kave Bulambo, the driving force behind this initiative. Their commitment to fostering inclusivity in tech aligns perfectly with our own values at SR2, and we look forward to potential collaborations in the future.

Exploring Prospective Partnerships

We also had the opportunity to meet several prospective clients during the event. These discussions have led to ongoing conversations, and we're excited about the potential to collaborate on future projects and events. These new connections have opened doors for SR2 to expand our network and continue to support companies in their tech talent acquisition needs.


WeareDevelopers Berlin provided us with a fantastic platform to dive into the Tech world deeper. With numerous tech experts and enthusiasts in attendance, we had the chance to gain fresh insights into the rapidly evolving tech space. We left the event with a deeper understanding of the latest trends and developments coming on the horizon, knowledge that will undoubtedly benefit both our clients and candidates in the industry.

In conclusion, our experience at WeareDevelopers Berlin was nothing short of exhilarating. From the groundbreaking VR technology of Zeiss Group to the inspiring work of Black in Tech Berlin and the exciting potential partnerships on the horizon, this event was a testament to the innovation and collaboration that define the tech industry in Berlin. We are very excited about the future of tech!  


By Finlay Bright