Zoe Thexton l Anya

Zoe Thexton l Anya

“Work out what you want to do, and then work out how you’re going to get there, and then start working on getting there.”

Zoe is proof that confidence, passion, and a little boldness can open incredible doors. From putting herself forward and landing an internship to thriving in both Mechanical and Software Engineering, she’s carved out a career built on curiosity, resilience, and a love for problem-solving.

In this interview, Zoe shares her journey—from finding role models to managing imposter syndrome—while offering practical advice for anyone looking to break into STEM. She also highlights the importance of visibility in engineering and tech, showing how universities and workplaces can help more women step into these spaces.

This is more than a story about being a woman in tech. It’s about doing what you love, pushing boundaries, and making an impact.

Hey Zoe, thanks for sharing your experience with Women Rock! Can you give us an overview of your career in engineering/tech so far?

My engineering career started when I met one of the founders of Open Bionics - a Bristol-based startup that uses 3D printing to create prosthetic arms - during a university lecture. At the end of his talk he asked if anyone had any questions - I put my hand up and asked if I could have a job! I completed an internship with them after I graduated in 2016 and later returned to work for them for nearly four years in various engineering roles.

I loved working there, but during the pandemic, I decided to switch careers after enrolling in a Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. I had done a bit of programming during my degree (and hated it!), but I found learning how to code through a more creative lens incredibly rewarding and building useful software projects became a fantastic, time-consuming lockdown hobby. After completing the bootcamp I spent a couple of years working for WordPress agencies before transitioning to a React and TypeScript tech stack. I am now working as a Software Engineer at Anya, a fem-tech startup providing 24/7 digital healthcare support for women.

Working in two different STEM careers (Mechanical Engineering & Software Engineering), have you found they both face similar challenges in terms of diversity?

I think the industries are very similar. Both engineering and computer science are still predominantly studied by men, and while more women are entering STEM roles, they tend to leave the profession earlier than men, resulting in fewer women in senior positions. This lack of visibility can discourage younger women from seeing themselves in those careers, which creates a bit of a vicious circle. However, there’s a lot of great work being done to address this disparity - Code First Girls and STEMazing are two organisations I follow that are doing fantastic work to promote women in tech.

On a personal level my jobs have ranged from working in teams where I was the only woman, to my current team which is nearly entirely made up of women. I’ve been lucky to find female engineering role models throughout my career, but I had to seek them out actively. Greater visibility of women in senior roles would have been beneficial to me when I was deciding what to study at university and what to do after.

What was your personal experience of studying a STEM subject? Are there any steps that Colleges & Universities could take to improve the experience of groups that are currently underrepresented?

Growing up I loved making things and was good at maths and physics, which led me to study mechanical engineering at university. For most of my degree, I couldn’t picture what I wanted to do after graduation - the traditional routes into big engineering firms building cars, planes, or buildings really didn’t appeal to me. I feel very fortunate to have met Joel from Open Bionics when I did - at the time I didn’t know anything about the health tech industry, but it’s now something I’m incredibly passionate about and where I see myself focusing my career long-term. If I hadn’t gone to his lecture I might not have pursued a career in engineering at all, as the traditional options widely advertised at career fairs didn’t feel like the right fit for me.

Schools and universities could improve the experience for underrepresented groups by showcasing a wider range of career options, especially in less traditionally male-dominated fields. I know many women who have found really rewarding careers in traditional engineering roles, but for students like me who couldn’t see themselves in those paths, increasing visibility for industries like health tech, renewable energy, and social impact engineering could inspire a wider group of students to see a future for themselves in STEM.

You’ve worked in a couple of impactful industries that you have a personal passion for, do you have advice for other people regarding how they can work in a sector they are passionate about?

I think the first challenge is working out what you're passionate about. Sometimes working in jobs that you don’t like can be just as valuable as working in jobs you enjoy, because it helps you work out what you don’t want to do. Then when you have that dream job or sector in mind, work backwards and break it down into small manageable steps. What skills do you need for that role? What experience would be helpful? Once you’ve broken down what might feel like an overwhelming goal into smaller actionable chunks, you can start working towards achieving it in little ways every day.

What do you think the biggest obstacles are that you have faced in your career to date?

Definitely imposter syndrome - it’s something I’ve struggled with at university, in my engineering jobs and especially in my software jobs. Since retraining, all of my jobs have been mainly remote - while I really like the remote working lifestyle, a downside is that it’s easy to get stuck in your own head when you’re facing a problem without colleagues physically around you to vent to or ask for help. One thing that I have found really helpful in these situations is reflecting on how far I’ve come in my software career, instead of fixating on what I’m stuck on. I’ll write down something I struggled with a couple of months ago but now find easy. It’s a great reminder to focus on the progress I’ve made and the skills I’ve built over time, rather than the challenges I’m currently facing.

Have you noticed any changes in the industry during your time? Is there progress being made?

The pandemic caused so many people to reevaluate their relationship with work and also caused a big shift towards flexible and remote working. I think this has been fantastic for encouraging more women into software engineering. The rise of online coding boot camps has made retraining really accessible, and remote work has improved work-life balance while opening up opportunities with companies far beyond local areas. I recently attended a lovely Bristol meetup with Code First Girls which was a great example of seeing this shift happening. I met women from all walks of life - students still in school or university, mums seeking flexible work that fits better around childcare, women with long careers in other fields who were looking for their next challenge. It was really inspiring to see how many different paths can lead to this industry and to connect with such a strong, supportive community of women.

What advice would you give to her people who are on a similar journey to yourself, or perhaps about to start that journey?

  • Work out what you want to do, and then work out how you’re going to get there, and then start working on getting there.
  • Don’t be afraid to leave a crap job after a short amount of time because you think it might look bad on your CV - as long as you can explain why you left that job if you get asked about it in an interview, it doesn’t matter if you were only there for a couple of months, finding a job that you actually enjoy is way more important.
  • Looking after yourself physically is so important, especially if you’re working remotely and don’t go into an office regularly - get out of the house at least once a day, even if it’s just for a 15 minute walk.
  • If you are about to start learning how to code, also learn how to touch-type - if you can type quickly, you can code quickly! Genuinely one of the most useful things I have ever learnt how to do.

What book would you recommend for our Women Rock bookshelf? 

I'd recommend The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell.

What is your favourite song?

My favourite song is Go Down River by The Heavy Heavy.

Finally, could you leave us with your favourite quote?

I have three favourite quotes from three awesome ladies:

"Find out who you are and do it on purpose." — Dolly Parton

“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” — Maggie Smith“

"I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn't been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn't have been lucky.” — Oprah Winfrey

Interviewed by Doug Gear